MASQUERADE!!! yayayayayayayay!!! so i can't about you? i hear someone is going to dress up like a crotchety old lady :D [[[gotta love Mrs. Davis!]]] I'm excited though I'm scared I will get a little cold. My dress is a little on the short side but all I need is my boots and I'll be good to go. I hope it all turns out well because Katie (((Ellis))) has been planning and working on it long and hard + last years slightly was a let down. My dress goes swish though so no matter what I'll be entertained :D
and now for something completely different...
lack of many hours on average is a student supposed to get?? well I'll tell you what the average for my class from what I've heard is...4-6 hours, now the average we're supposed to get...7-9 hours...10 if you're on the younger side of the teen years...if so I'm sorry but we've all been there :D me...I seem to require 10-12 hours in order to function correctly.
you may wonder at my mentioning sleep right now...well I am tired and plan on going to bed in the next ten night good all to and to all a good night.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Monday, January 28, 2008
ok then
as some of you may know, i've not been doing so good lately. i've had several problems keeping up with school work and have had a decreasing interest in food. ((as i sit next to the 2 hour cold baked potato and chili)) on top of this i find myself not trusting men more and more. it seems that no matter how much i wish to feel comfortable around them i can't do it. with some i start to feel quezey and as we all know i have a tendency of barfing at the wrong time. i know i have never been a big fan of boys but i have never not trusted them so much as i do now. if they give a compliment i float it off as crap, if they sit next to me they must intend to be rude or ask me about my sister. if they say something rude or mean...well they are male so what do i expect of them? and you know what i think to myself after some looking deep inside of me?? why...why would i be so mistrusting? they haven't done anything...yet. and then i annoy myself even more thinking to myself that i'm just jinxing them by saying yet.
occasionally i fancy myself being like one of those famed heroines that had a father leave them when they were only a child and them missing the memories of their parents together but i have only one bitter thought there and that is that i have no memories to brood over. i've just found out though that none of my grandparents were too excited for my parents marriage. they didn't think they would do well together. well goo job people!! you called it!!
i have also thought that it may be because of the fact that i have seen so many failed relationships around me that i despair at the reason of even dating anyone. i mean hope has had a number of "boyfriends" and what has happened with all of them (excluding current:Aaron)? she has either tossed them off for some silly reason or she has gotten her heart broken by them. again...point please??? and my katie's engagement to paul is still an open wound. oh yes you might think that if she is over it then why aren't i but what most of you don't know or anyone for that matter is that i loved paul very much and was looking forward to his marrying into the family and that i too was mad at katie for the whole deal. i the one who yelled at hope for speaking her mind on the event, i who told Katie that i didn't care, i who comforted her and let her tell me everything so she could tell someone who wouldn't interrupt her in her explanation, i who shook Paul's hand when they announced their engagement very business like and all, i who... oh these could go on and on.
better to be friends with the silly boys and watch them run around like fools with silly girls that will be crying over them in the weeks to come after they break her heart than to be the silly girl crying right? if only my dreams were the same. in this i mean both my sleeping dreams and my dreams for my future for unfortunately all ways of reproduction that i plan on having include a male figure unless i give up all together and adopt (((which may very well happen))) but listen to me with all my years of 16. yes by the way i am 16 as of last December so don't please be so shocked when i say that because it is indeed true. i all ready have my future planned out and all. except that i think i may still have hope in a select few of the male gender. pastors seem to be my only way out of this predicament. i feel that i would be a good pastor's wife and that i would serve them well along with serving God. i could still keep my dream for teaching alive by doing Sunday school classes with the young children and such as i do now. and i do believe that the only man that could ever keep my faith as strong and stable as i would like it to be would be a man who has devoted his life to God. besides i see working for God as a living and bringing my family up in a very much Christian based home would be just the ticket for a way to set myself up to help the needy and be a blessing to those around me.
i am happy to think on occasion that if my parents hadn't had a divorce that i wouldn't be who i am today(which i wouldn't) and i would never have met Georgia(which i wouldn't) or see my lovely nephew Chase(again i wouldn't). you see i do not find myself in the position to be pitied for any of these things. actually it annoys me when i am. i can use it as an argument to show people that no indeed my life has not been all sunshine and daisies and i have been through some hard times but none too grand. but all the same i have been blessed beyond belief with my step-mom even though in previous years after reading it in a book that i called her the "step-monster" i do dearly love her and her children and of course my little nephew Chase who is a little stud muffin. :D i have been blessed with a wonderful school and a mother determined to see me through this school no matter how much she pays for it and neglects to herself. and i have been blessed with amazing friends who love me no matter how odd or mad i may seem at times ((ok well maybe not seem but actually am :D))
you see at the beginning of this blog i was in a rage and in the middle i was ready to cry and by now i am ready to go on and face the world tomorrow with love in my eyes and a sneer on my mouth :D so this has been the proof of the healing powers of venting online for the entire world to see...planned or otherwise. :D
good night all
occasionally i fancy myself being like one of those famed heroines that had a father leave them when they were only a child and them missing the memories of their parents together but i have only one bitter thought there and that is that i have no memories to brood over. i've just found out though that none of my grandparents were too excited for my parents marriage. they didn't think they would do well together. well goo job people!! you called it!!
i have also thought that it may be because of the fact that i have seen so many failed relationships around me that i despair at the reason of even dating anyone. i mean hope has had a number of "boyfriends" and what has happened with all of them (excluding current:Aaron)? she has either tossed them off for some silly reason or she has gotten her heart broken by them. again...point please??? and my katie's engagement to paul is still an open wound. oh yes you might think that if she is over it then why aren't i but what most of you don't know or anyone for that matter is that i loved paul very much and was looking forward to his marrying into the family and that i too was mad at katie for the whole deal. i the one who yelled at hope for speaking her mind on the event, i who told Katie that i didn't care, i who comforted her and let her tell me everything so she could tell someone who wouldn't interrupt her in her explanation, i who shook Paul's hand when they announced their engagement very business like and all, i who... oh these could go on and on.
better to be friends with the silly boys and watch them run around like fools with silly girls that will be crying over them in the weeks to come after they break her heart than to be the silly girl crying right? if only my dreams were the same. in this i mean both my sleeping dreams and my dreams for my future for unfortunately all ways of reproduction that i plan on having include a male figure unless i give up all together and adopt (((which may very well happen))) but listen to me with all my years of 16. yes by the way i am 16 as of last December so don't please be so shocked when i say that because it is indeed true. i all ready have my future planned out and all. except that i think i may still have hope in a select few of the male gender. pastors seem to be my only way out of this predicament. i feel that i would be a good pastor's wife and that i would serve them well along with serving God. i could still keep my dream for teaching alive by doing Sunday school classes with the young children and such as i do now. and i do believe that the only man that could ever keep my faith as strong and stable as i would like it to be would be a man who has devoted his life to God. besides i see working for God as a living and bringing my family up in a very much Christian based home would be just the ticket for a way to set myself up to help the needy and be a blessing to those around me.
i am happy to think on occasion that if my parents hadn't had a divorce that i wouldn't be who i am today(which i wouldn't) and i would never have met Georgia(which i wouldn't) or see my lovely nephew Chase(again i wouldn't). you see i do not find myself in the position to be pitied for any of these things. actually it annoys me when i am. i can use it as an argument to show people that no indeed my life has not been all sunshine and daisies and i have been through some hard times but none too grand. but all the same i have been blessed beyond belief with my step-mom even though in previous years after reading it in a book that i called her the "step-monster" i do dearly love her and her children and of course my little nephew Chase who is a little stud muffin. :D i have been blessed with a wonderful school and a mother determined to see me through this school no matter how much she pays for it and neglects to herself. and i have been blessed with amazing friends who love me no matter how odd or mad i may seem at times ((ok well maybe not seem but actually am :D))
you see at the beginning of this blog i was in a rage and in the middle i was ready to cry and by now i am ready to go on and face the world tomorrow with love in my eyes and a sneer on my mouth :D so this has been the proof of the healing powers of venting online for the entire world to see...planned or otherwise. :D
good night all
Sunday, January 20, 2008
two words,,,finals week,,,that's all the excuse i need
January 6, 2008
God Cares by Hannah Whitall Smith
"Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, what shall we drink? or Wherewithal shall we be clothed?...for your heavenly Father Knoweth that ye have need of all these things."
~Matthew 6:31-32
"Who is the best cared for in every household? Is it not the little children? And does not the least of all, the helpless baby, receive the largest share?...This life of faith, then, consists in just this---being a child in the Father's house...Let the ways of childish confidence and freedom from care, which so please you and win your heart in your own little ones, teach you what should be your ways with God..."
Children have faith in the things that adults can't even think about without a shudder. If you ask a child a question they reply simply and without too much hesitation, ask an adult the same question and you'll get a space of silence followed by either a mumbled circular reasoning or a bold but not thought out answer with the occasional but honest, "I don't know." I wish I were able to be sure of my answer like a child but to be taken seriously like an adult. How lucky am I to be able to dance on the fence of childhood and womanhood for a few more years :D
January 10, 2008
Our "God" Reigns by Jane Hansen
"Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee."
~Genesis 3:16
"Whatever we set our desire on will rule us. You have only to look around you to see how women, even Christian women, set their desire on men. They have turned to them to gain their approval, to be found acceptable, worthy, admired, and chosen. As a result they are ruled by them."
We as women are prone to a feeling of need for protection. We want the big strong man to keep us safe from the evil man. What we need to realize is that God is our protector. He will keep us safe and won't let that bad guy get close if we let Him do His J.O.B. He wants us to let Him so bad, we just need to be willing to trust in Him. Ah yes, that dreaded word, TRUST. It hits us all in the heart and will never be an easy thing to those who have had this broken. Think about it this way though...He has never once failed anyone and He's been around for how long? 6,000 years, at least with people too. So the odds of His keeping your trust are pretty good no?
January 12, 2008
A New Way of Living by Sheila Walsh
"Therefore, brothers, since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way opened for us through the curtain, that is, his body, and since we have a great priest over the house of God, let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water."
~Hebrews 10:19-20
"Who we are in ourselves is not enough, but who we are in Christ is everything."
"Who we are in Christ is everything" This is so true it is beyond belief. Christ is the one and ONLY reason that we will ever be anything more than a sinner in a pit. He brings us up into the clouds, to a place of safety and love, and, yes, at some point, violence and anger and pain, but all of this He does for love of His children, for you and me, and that will be one of the hardest things to accept in this life."
January 16, 2008
God Is Ingenious by Ruth Bell Graham
"Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us."
~Ephesians 3:20
"She had slipped somehow and had broken her leg. While recuperating, she found herself alone in the house one Sunday, propped up in bed. Lonely and bored, she decided to call a friend and found the phone was just our of reach. She made several swipes at it but only succeeded in knocking it off the cradle, onto the floor, out of reach. And from the receiver came 'The Hour of Decision.' she had no choice. She was a captive audience...To say that God is ingenious is an understatement!"
God is that indeed. He will use the most amazing things to capture our attention or to tell us what we need to do. I believe God is a god of humor. He laughs at us when we're being stupid or silly and he always finds a way to make me smile. If He can use a telephone for reaching a woman and bringing her to Himself then He can definitely use us to bring other to Him too.
that should keep you satisfied for now cause i need to go to bed so i can wake up in the morning and do my history report, English report, jump off a cliff, study biology, and go to the bank. in that order :D
Bye bYes
God Cares by Hannah Whitall Smith
"Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, what shall we drink? or Wherewithal shall we be clothed?...for your heavenly Father Knoweth that ye have need of all these things."
~Matthew 6:31-32
"Who is the best cared for in every household? Is it not the little children? And does not the least of all, the helpless baby, receive the largest share?...This life of faith, then, consists in just this---being a child in the Father's house...Let the ways of childish confidence and freedom from care, which so please you and win your heart in your own little ones, teach you what should be your ways with God..."
Children have faith in the things that adults can't even think about without a shudder. If you ask a child a question they reply simply and without too much hesitation, ask an adult the same question and you'll get a space of silence followed by either a mumbled circular reasoning or a bold but not thought out answer with the occasional but honest, "I don't know." I wish I were able to be sure of my answer like a child but to be taken seriously like an adult. How lucky am I to be able to dance on the fence of childhood and womanhood for a few more years :D
January 10, 2008
Our "God" Reigns by Jane Hansen
"Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee."
~Genesis 3:16
"Whatever we set our desire on will rule us. You have only to look around you to see how women, even Christian women, set their desire on men. They have turned to them to gain their approval, to be found acceptable, worthy, admired, and chosen. As a result they are ruled by them."
We as women are prone to a feeling of need for protection. We want the big strong man to keep us safe from the evil man. What we need to realize is that God is our protector. He will keep us safe and won't let that bad guy get close if we let Him do His J.O.B. He wants us to let Him so bad, we just need to be willing to trust in Him. Ah yes, that dreaded word, TRUST. It hits us all in the heart and will never be an easy thing to those who have had this broken. Think about it this way though...He has never once failed anyone and He's been around for how long? 6,000 years, at least with people too. So the odds of His keeping your trust are pretty good no?
January 12, 2008
A New Way of Living by Sheila Walsh
"Therefore, brothers, since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way opened for us through the curtain, that is, his body, and since we have a great priest over the house of God, let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water."
~Hebrews 10:19-20
"Who we are in ourselves is not enough, but who we are in Christ is everything."
"Who we are in Christ is everything" This is so true it is beyond belief. Christ is the one and ONLY reason that we will ever be anything more than a sinner in a pit. He brings us up into the clouds, to a place of safety and love, and, yes, at some point, violence and anger and pain, but all of this He does for love of His children, for you and me, and that will be one of the hardest things to accept in this life."
January 16, 2008
God Is Ingenious by Ruth Bell Graham
"Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us."
~Ephesians 3:20
"She had slipped somehow and had broken her leg. While recuperating, she found herself alone in the house one Sunday, propped up in bed. Lonely and bored, she decided to call a friend and found the phone was just our of reach. She made several swipes at it but only succeeded in knocking it off the cradle, onto the floor, out of reach. And from the receiver came 'The Hour of Decision.' she had no choice. She was a captive audience...To say that God is ingenious is an understatement!"
God is that indeed. He will use the most amazing things to capture our attention or to tell us what we need to do. I believe God is a god of humor. He laughs at us when we're being stupid or silly and he always finds a way to make me smile. If He can use a telephone for reaching a woman and bringing her to Himself then He can definitely use us to bring other to Him too.
that should keep you satisfied for now cause i need to go to bed so i can wake up in the morning and do my history report, English report, jump off a cliff, study biology, and go to the bank. in that order :D
Bye bYes
Friday, January 11, 2008
i know....
hello my rabid blog readers (saucy :D),
I know I have not posted anything recently, but tomorrow you shall be greatly pleased to know that your Lara fix is well on the way. I have figured out that if your parent sees you online too much doing blogs and such they have a tendency of wanting to know what you are doing more and who you hang out with. So I have decided to do a weekly post of my journal (sharing my favorite 2 or 3 days from the week) so that...
a) I don't spoil the entire Journal by the end of the year so you can get it yourselves
b) I don't spend so much precious time on the computer when i should be doing school work
I was not ignoring or forgetting my blog, I was simply waiting till tomorrow to post it and inform all you lovely people that this is what I'm doing so get over it, but my lovely saucy got on my back like I asked her to so here I am explaining myself to you. I hope you will accept my reasoning and be as kind and courteous as ever.
Yours Truly etc.
I know I have not posted anything recently, but tomorrow you shall be greatly pleased to know that your Lara fix is well on the way. I have figured out that if your parent sees you online too much doing blogs and such they have a tendency of wanting to know what you are doing more and who you hang out with. So I have decided to do a weekly post of my journal (sharing my favorite 2 or 3 days from the week) so that...
a) I don't spoil the entire Journal by the end of the year so you can get it yourselves
b) I don't spend so much precious time on the computer when i should be doing school work
I was not ignoring or forgetting my blog, I was simply waiting till tomorrow to post it and inform all you lovely people that this is what I'm doing so get over it, but my lovely saucy got on my back like I asked her to so here I am explaining myself to you. I hope you will accept my reasoning and be as kind and courteous as ever.
Yours Truly etc.
Friday, January 4, 2008
taped up over your mouth scribbled out the truth with their lies, your little spies
January 4, 2008
Keeping God's Attention by Joni Eareckson Tada
"I will lift up my eyes to the mountains; from whence shall my help come? My help comes from the Lord."
Psalm 121:1-2
"God's love doesn't vacillate according to how many victories you have over sin or how many times you use His name in your prayers. His love for you goes deeper than mere affection or surface infatuation. Let the matchless love of God sweep away your doubt and fears. You already have God's attention and you will never lose it."
God is not like some little love thing that changes with time or with words. No matter how stupid or foolish we may be, He will always love you, always. You can kick, scream, and question it all you like, but it won't change anything. He will love you and that is final. So why do we fight so much for His attention? He's front row center for the "Lara Show" so don't think for a second that he's not at your show too, with his bucket of movie theatre popcorn and a soda. :D
Keeping God's Attention by Joni Eareckson Tada
"I will lift up my eyes to the mountains; from whence shall my help come? My help comes from the Lord."
Psalm 121:1-2
"God's love doesn't vacillate according to how many victories you have over sin or how many times you use His name in your prayers. His love for you goes deeper than mere affection or surface infatuation. Let the matchless love of God sweep away your doubt and fears. You already have God's attention and you will never lose it."
God is not like some little love thing that changes with time or with words. No matter how stupid or foolish we may be, He will always love you, always. You can kick, scream, and question it all you like, but it won't change anything. He will love you and that is final. So why do we fight so much for His attention? He's front row center for the "Lara Show" so don't think for a second that he's not at your show too, with his bucket of movie theatre popcorn and a soda. :D
Thursday, January 3, 2008
January 1-3
page one through three in my Christmas present, A Gentle Spirit Journal[basically people{famous ladies} write something out for each day and since it would break certain copyright laws if i were to write out all of the journal i decided to write the verse and my thoughts on the section that i write in the margins so here is the first few...
January 1, 2008
A Blessed New Year by Mrs. Charles E. Cowman
"But the a land...which the Lord thy God careth for: the eyes of the Lord thy God are always upon it, from the beginning of the year even unto the end of the year."
~Deuteronomy 11:11-12
"The land is a land of hills and valleys. It is not all smooth nor all downhill. If life were all one dead level, the dull sameness would oppress us; we wan the hills and the valleys. The hills collect the rain for a hundred fruitful valleys. Ah, so it is with us! It is the hill difficulty that drives us to the throne of grace and brings down the shower of blessing; the hills, the bleak hills of life that we wonder at and perhaps grumble at, bring down the showers." ~Mrs. Charles E. Cowman
The hills are what make the valley. The make us worthy of mention, worthy of calling ourselves Children of God. Without the hills we would be no threat or ally to anyone, just a flat surface to run across to get to the next valley over.
"In life all you will ever receive, all you will ever see, are obstacles and opportunities; which one they are is up to you to decide." ~Heather Johnson
January 2, 2008
Setting Goals for This Year by Cheryl Biehl
"Wilt thou be made whole?"
~John 5:6
"Don't forget yourself-Jesus filled with absolute love and compassion, went to the mountains to spend time with His Father in prayer, to renew His weary body and soul. When the crowd pressed in upon Him, He suggested to the disciples that they all get away from the crowd and go to the mountains alone." ~Cheryl Biehl
There is always finding the line between being selfish and doing what we need to do for ourselves. If all you ever do is think of others then you are bound to get to the point of forgetting about yourself. Honestly, how much help can you be if you are the one who needs the help? [[[talk about the blind leading the blind]]] I'm not saying shut the world out no matter what and fill your mind with "Me", I'm saying think about how you can help yourself to help others.
January 3, 2008
Total Consecration by Elizabeth Prentiss
"Saying, Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done."
~Luke 22:42
"If He takes your health away, for instance, it is because He has some reason for doing so; and this is true of everything you value; and if you have real faith in Him, you will not insist on knowing the reason. If you find, in the course of daily events, that your self-consecration revolts at His will-do not be discouraged, but fly to your Savior and sty in His presence till you obtain the spirit in which He cried in His hour of Anguish, "Father, if thou be willing remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done." (Luke 22:42) Every time you do this it will be easier to do it; every such consent to suffer will bring you nearer and nearer to Him..."
True consecration, or submission, is truly what we need to do more. We as in not only Followers of Christ, but also just people in general. No one ever backs down from a fight anymore; and even if we do we hold it in our hearts, keeping grudges and anger inside until all we can do is just explode. If we were more submissive(not fully for that would truly be terrible) to things, we would have a better understanding of the Lord and His will, and stop that one BIG question that always holds us up,
That's all for now but hopefully I'll keep up on this and if I don't please get on my back about it cause I truly need this. Night.
January 1, 2008
A Blessed New Year by Mrs. Charles E. Cowman
"But the a land...which the Lord thy God careth for: the eyes of the Lord thy God are always upon it, from the beginning of the year even unto the end of the year."
~Deuteronomy 11:11-12
"The land is a land of hills and valleys. It is not all smooth nor all downhill. If life were all one dead level, the dull sameness would oppress us; we wan the hills and the valleys. The hills collect the rain for a hundred fruitful valleys. Ah, so it is with us! It is the hill difficulty that drives us to the throne of grace and brings down the shower of blessing; the hills, the bleak hills of life that we wonder at and perhaps grumble at, bring down the showers." ~Mrs. Charles E. Cowman
The hills are what make the valley. The make us worthy of mention, worthy of calling ourselves Children of God. Without the hills we would be no threat or ally to anyone, just a flat surface to run across to get to the next valley over.
"In life all you will ever receive, all you will ever see, are obstacles and opportunities; which one they are is up to you to decide." ~Heather Johnson
January 2, 2008
Setting Goals for This Year by Cheryl Biehl
"Wilt thou be made whole?"
~John 5:6
"Don't forget yourself-Jesus filled with absolute love and compassion, went to the mountains to spend time with His Father in prayer, to renew His weary body and soul. When the crowd pressed in upon Him, He suggested to the disciples that they all get away from the crowd and go to the mountains alone." ~Cheryl Biehl
There is always finding the line between being selfish and doing what we need to do for ourselves. If all you ever do is think of others then you are bound to get to the point of forgetting about yourself. Honestly, how much help can you be if you are the one who needs the help? [[[talk about the blind leading the blind]]] I'm not saying shut the world out no matter what and fill your mind with "Me", I'm saying think about how you can help yourself to help others.
January 3, 2008
Total Consecration by Elizabeth Prentiss
"Saying, Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done."
~Luke 22:42
"If He takes your health away, for instance, it is because He has some reason for doing so; and this is true of everything you value; and if you have real faith in Him, you will not insist on knowing the reason. If you find, in the course of daily events, that your self-consecration revolts at His will-do not be discouraged, but fly to your Savior and sty in His presence till you obtain the spirit in which He cried in His hour of Anguish, "Father, if thou be willing remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done." (Luke 22:42) Every time you do this it will be easier to do it; every such consent to suffer will bring you nearer and nearer to Him..."
True consecration, or submission, is truly what we need to do more. We as in not only Followers of Christ, but also just people in general. No one ever backs down from a fight anymore; and even if we do we hold it in our hearts, keeping grudges and anger inside until all we can do is just explode. If we were more submissive(not fully for that would truly be terrible) to things, we would have a better understanding of the Lord and His will, and stop that one BIG question that always holds us up,
That's all for now but hopefully I'll keep up on this and if I don't please get on my back about it cause I truly need this. Night.
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Hello Cruel World, Come Get Me :D
Hi, my name is Lara. when you think it or say it please spell it without the 'U' cause Lara without the 'U' is just so much more exciting to think about, at least to me it is. Well I guess I should let you get to know me so here it is. I enjoy reading books and watching movies, but there is no easier way to my heart than with...oh wait, I'll leave that to your finding out. I get very sarcastic but you needn't worry for I'm not mad at you or any such absurd thing as that, I am just merely putting up my constant wall. "Why does she need a wall?" you might find yourself asking. Well I don't really, but it sure is a nice thing to have around in days like these. Let's get one thing straight right here and now though, I am now and forevermore a Child of God. If you confuse me with the 'so called' "Christians" I may have to get very annoyed with you. I love God with all my heart and am working with Him slowly but surely to figure things out in my life and even though it has been hard and I still need lots of work on it I feel confidence reigning in my veins again so don't even try to shake me in my beliefs. I love people tremendously and even if I don't know you very well I wish I did, you can take my word for it. It hurts me to see someone struggle but I don't want to cause more problems by talking to them about it or even acknowledging the fact that I noticed or anything for fear that they might be offended or scared away from me. I would love to help you with any problems and talk with you about them, or just flat talk about anything at all, but please remember that I am human and I am prone to being sensitive about certain subjects. It is just a fact about me that you will accept in time. I think that should be sufficient enough to quench your thirst for knowledge on me for now. If not just ask me and I'll do my best to answer the questions for you.
God Bless,
God Bless,
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