Sunday, June 22, 2008


my life is different these days. I love all my friends and everyone else annoys me. But oh wait! low and behold...I don't see my friends because it's summer. I just can't wait for be over. I'm applying for a job tomorrow and hopefully will have the interview by Thursday cause I told my dad it would be then cause I was tired of him riding me about getting a job. I got a car that he loves for me except it's not safe enough for him. He keeps on pointing out how this car and that car would be great first cars for me instead of's not like I will drive stupidly with it...I just have the music up louder than it should be is all. world is so upside down. I wish I could sort through it but no one seems to really be able to know like really help, all they do is make it worse. When I'm with people though, then all the cloudy skies turn to sunshine...I like the sun. Then I feel sick, like I shouldn't enjoy myself, it's like I'm punishing myself for having fun. I want to have fun...I am a girl after all aren't I??? This is just getting to be too much. I need help but won't ask for it. So all I do is write a blog about it and call it quits. I love my life...

I'm going to work out tomorrow at the school. I hope KP is back all ready cause life is needing some sort of regularity in it besides another day of boredom. night...